Jack Head Model

Images Capture

Took 120 pictures. Ideally would have had more and from a better camera but it did okay.

Took them in circles of varying height trying to capture all the details. Taking extra photos around the ears other delicate areas.

Trying to get the photos without harsh shadows and my head fitting the majority of the frame. Probably could have taken the photos closer if I did it again.

6 of 120 head photos

Meshroom Photogrammetry

Meshroom is a free Photogrammetry software that creates meshes and textures from multiple images.

It matches features from each of the images and estimates camera positions and depths to create a 3d model.

In the image on the left, you can see my face is reconstructed as well as some of the background plants. As well as one of the 120 images I took around my head.


After about 30 hours of processing, it gave a mesh of my head and torso. Albeit not the best one.

Something went wrong with the left side of my head and the back. I think it could have been a shadow over my face or maybe not enough images around that area.


Rather than taking more photos and starting the long process again, I decided to clean him up on blender. I removed the t-shirt area, filled in the left side of the face and smoothed out all of the bumps. We lost some detail but it’s much cleaner now. Finally, I 3d printed him on standard settings.

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